One last emotionally charged Lunar extravaganza to close out 2023

And here we’re all thinking we could quietly slip into 2024 drama-free with all our inner work done! Hmmmmm…. Think again! We have one last and final emotionally charged Lunar extravaganza to close out 2023!

In the early hours of this morning, we had our last and final Full Moon 🌝 ruled by the sign of Cancer ♋️ illuminating our night skies but bathing all of us in her energies for the last few days. We’ve also had some significantly sized Solar Flares hitting Earth, bringing fiery, explosive and exhausting energy to the mix. And to make things extra interesting, Mercury, the planet of communication, is still retrograde! Meaning heightened emotions, emotionally charged (Cancer moon), fiery fueled (Solar flares), thoughts and communications (Mercury) potentially leading to blow-ups and arguments.

This full Moon asks us to PAUSE…. BREATH and THINK!!! Before acting or speaking, especially with end-of-year celebrations and family/friend gatherings.

It also asks us to stop and take time out to reflect on the year that was and release all that doesn’t serve us as we prepare to bring in a new year.

The Cancer Full Moon intuitively taps into our emotional selves and is a perfect opportunity to shed your old shell 🦀 to form a new one capable of holding space to embody higher incoming frequencies of 2024.

Give yourself the space and time to slow down, feel and invite your feelings to the surface to reflect and release what will not enter the new year with you. Allow the past twelve months to complete themselves, energetically and emotionally, by holding space for unresolved feelings. Journaling 📝 is a fantastic way to do this.

It’s also a perfect opportunity to reflect on the year that was and the journey you’ve walked this far. We’re always so focused on the tasks ahead that we forget to give ourselves the space to SEE HOW FAR WE’VE COME! Take time to honour yourself for the path you have already walked and look behind you to see how far you’ve actually come.

As we work with the energies of the full Moon in Cancer, FEEL your way through these last few days of 2023, be open to changes and let your intuition steer you instead of your to-do list 😉


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