Total Solar Eclipse in Aries
Let’s discuss the highly anticipated Total Solar Eclipse in Aries 

The Solar Eclipse path will occur over America on Monday, 8 April. However, here in AUS, even though we can’t physically see it, it will still greatly impact us energetically! The eclipse will happen in the wee hours of the morning at 04:17 AM on Tuesday, 9 April.
Understand that this is an exciting
and significant event we’ve all been waiting on for a LONG TIME! It’ll shower us with the highest-frequency cosmic energies
Sparking a new direction in the collective consciousness and for Mother Earth
It will bring awareness to your soul’s journey and why you’re here! Uncovering and highlighting truths to help you understand your path, your true soul's essence and who you truly are! IT’S A BIG AND
DEAL… No matter what fearful tactics are thrown at us!

What’s super crazy about this total eclipse is it's tightly conjunct with the wounded healer, Chiron and our soul’s purpose, the North Node, almost sitting at the exact degree! Asking us to unearth deep wounds, acknowledge, heal and release them. It’s time to LET GO of what no longer serves you, your purpose or your higher self and fully step into why you are here living this lifetime. It’s a big ask and can be triggering for those who’ve avoided doing the inner work.

We’re here to do the work! We’ve set out to do the work! The work is why we’re here and why we exist…. Of course, that is not the only reason!
We’re all being asked to be mindful of our triggers and, more importantly, how we respond.

Mercury Retrograde is offering us introspection and going inward to rethink, revisit, and re-examine what’s working and what shit we need to let go of. Because it’s favoured with Aries energy, many of us feel this superficial sense of urgency in the air, leading to impatience and perhaps explosive temperament
So, BE MINDFUL, slow the fuck down! Chill the fuck out and take a breath! Think before you speak and understand that EVERYBODY is feeling these energies in some way or form.

BE KIND AND COMPASSIONATE because the world desperately needs those of us who can hold the light
to hold the line 
and the highest frequencies
We are being called upon and to anchor and shine the light so bright that others may see their own paths. Sooooo…. Shine on, beautiful Light Warriors 

Peace ✌🏼 Love ❤️ and Good Vibes ✨
Emma D
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