The Gift Of Love

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DESCRIPTION: This Crystal Grid showers you with unconditional love and acceptance. It oozes nurturing and compassion, heart and soul healing and illuminates an endless light of love and forgiveness. This grid embraces you wholeheartedly and invites you to remember you are not alone. You are held by so many loving beings in spirit during times of difficulties, as this human experience is not always easy. This grid fills your heart with the inner knowing that self-love is the only love that truly matters. Open your heart to receive the beautiful love and healing this grid is gifting you.

BENEFITS: Unconditional love and soul healing, Mother Mary Energy, nurturing, compassion, inner-child healing, purity, soul security, heart-opener, forgiveness, peace, divine guidance.

CRYSTALS: Labradorite, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz.

FRAME SIZE: 23cm X 28cm


IMPORTANT: Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.